How to design a audio player based on the authorware 音频播放器的设计
Listen to mp3 or aac music on a pre - loaded or built - in audio player 透过预先下载或内置音乐播放器,享受mp3或aac音乐
English , cantonese and putonghua versions are available , and the daily rental fee for the audio player is hk $ 10 备有粤语、普通话及英语版本,以供选择。
English , cantonese and putonghua versions are available , and the daily rental fee for the audio player is hk 10 备有粤语普通话及英语版本,以供选择。租用录音导赏机一天只需港币10元。
" seashell radios " closely resemble portable radios and earbuds , such as those found in portable audio players "海贝形无线收音机"类似于可携式的收音机和耳机,装配在随身听和音响播放器上。
Audio player refers to a device or application that is capable of playback of audio data. In the strict sense of the term any device capable of audio playback falls under this category, although usually only digital equipment or software is meant.